SolarSkirt Residential Install
Earlier this year we installed our first SolarSkirt PV System. The SolarSkirt Bird Protection gives your system a more modern slick finish as well as stopping birds nesting under your system and damaging it.
This 8.10kWp system is estimated to produce 6.06 MWh of solar energy every calendar year to power the home. It is also offering this homeowner environmental benefits as it reduces the amount of carbon footprint being produced by 1.17 tonnes which is equivalent to 54 trees being planted.
The system consisted of 20x Longi LR5-54HPB-405M solar panels, 20 x S440 optimisers and 1 x SolarEdge 5000H inverter.
Installed DC Power (kWp)
Max Achieved AC Power (kW)
Annual Energy Production (MWh)
CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)
Equivalent Trees Planted
Solar Panel Protection & Pigeon Proofing
Pigeons love to nest under solar panels, causing mess and damaging cables. SolaSkirt keeps them out.
Gives Solar Panels A Sleek Black Finish
SolaSkirt gives any solar panel system a sleek, black edged, look, covering up unsightly gaps, rain water run-off, cables, rail and clamps.
Solar Panel
Longi Solar, LR5-54HPB-405M (user-defined) x 20
12 Years Product Warranty
1722 x 1134 x 30mm
21.5 kg
Solaredge 5000H x 1
S440 x 20