PV Ltd t/a Genfit is committed to providing uninterrupted service and support to its customers. We recognise that certain uncontrollable events can cause varying degrees of disruption to normal business processes. For example, a severe storm can adversely affect the ability of staff to report to work on a given day. Events of greater severity, such as a regional electrical blackout or an intentionally destructive act, could cause wider concern and disruption. We recognise the responsibility to our customers to continue critical operations during such events, including providing access to key products/services. Our goal is to meet this obligation with minimal interruption — on the same day, if possible — given the circumstances and scope of any disruptive event.

We would like our clients and potential clients to be aware that PV Ltd t/a Genfit has developed and maintains written business continuity plans we believe not only provide effective responses to a wide variety of disruptive events, but better enable us to continue to deliver our key products/services during a business disruption. PV Ltd t/a Genfit is certified to ISO 22301:2019 – Business Continuity Management Systems – Requirements and is externally audited annually by Citation ISO Certification Ltd.

What Does Our Business Continuity Plan Address?

Our business continuity plans provide for continuity of our key product/services and other activities during a variety of disruptions.

They include customer support responses such as utilising other sites to continue the delivery of our key products and services, backup equipment and continuance strategies while maintain our presence in the marketplace. These plans are designed to enable PV Ltd t/a Genfit to continue the delivery of our key product/services whether the disruption is company-wide, affecting our entire site or limited to a department or function.

We believe it is important that its clients remain confident in our commitment and ability to provide ongoing services and uninterrupted access to our key products/services in the event of a business disruption.

To maintain effective and secure business continuity plans, we keep them confidential and do not share them externally due to their commercial sensitivity. In addition, PV Ltd t/a Genfit is committed to maintaining effective communications with its customers during a business disruption and have procedures in place to ensure we can contact you if our services to you are interrupted.

Our business continuity plans are reviewed and tested annually to ensure appropriate enhancements are implemented as business plans evolve, or even if our clients’ requirements change. Top management has designated a lead for business continuity and our plans and supporting documents are subject to review by both internal auditors as well as examination by other interested parties.

Should material changes to the plans occur, this “Business Continuity Management External Statement” will be updated as appropriate.

Should you require further information, please liaise with your account manager who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.