Ken Jervis Kia Dealership Goes Green

Ken Jervis Kia Dealership Goes Green

Ken Jervis Kia Dealership based in Stoke-On-Trent has gone green. The 176 paneled system installed DC power is 88.00 kWp and is estimated to generate 71.MWh of solar energy annually as well as improving the business’s environmental contribution by saving nearly 14 tonnes in carbon emissions every calendar year which is equivalent to 635 trees being planted. They estimate savings of around ten thousand pounds per annum in electricity costs. With a current annual bill of nearly £15,000, the solar array is estimated to knock off a considerable £9,897 in the first year alone. Over its expected lifetime, the system is should save Ken Jervis Kia almost £320,000.

The solar PV system consisted of 176 x Longi Solar, LR5-66HIH-500M (user-defined) with half the amount of P1100 SolarEdge optimisers. To complete the system we installed the SolarEdge 66.6K Manager

We use Longi solar panels for the majority of our solar PV installation as they are the top maker of mono-silicon panels in the world. Each year, they make more than 30GW of solar panels. They focus on making high-quality PERC and bi-facial panels. These panels last longer than other mono panels because they are treated to reduce solar degradation which offers a better lifetime yield than standard mono panels. They also have a very good working environment for their employees which is very important to us.

David Norwood, Managing Director at Ken Jervis Kia, commented: “The savings to our business speak for themselves, but it’s the CO2 reduction that really interests us – we want the dealership to be as green as possible, in-line with Kia’s ethos and ahead of government directives to reduce carbon. Car dealerships require a lot of energy for heat, lighting, service bay ramps and equipment, so using the sun’s free energy to power most of it throughout the year makes absolute sense, as well as benefiting the environment and the local area.”

The solar array has been designed to accommodate a battery storage system, which would further enhance the installation and allow Ken Jervis Kia to be almost entirely off-grid powered. Any excess energy produced by the solar array will also be fed back into the National Grid, pushing more green energy into the system, helping power Stoke-on-Trent homes and businesses.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted


Solar Panel

Longi Solar, LR5-66HIH-500M (user-defined) x 176


12 Years Product Warranty




2093 x 1134 x 35 mm


25.3 kg


SolarEdge 66.6K Manager x 1


P1100 x 125

Langley House

Langley House

Last month we were down in Watford installing a 108.32 kWp solar PV system for Langley House which is a head injury NHS hospital. The power generated from the system will be used to power the electronic equipment used at the hospital to give any patients who check in at the hospital a better experience and be treated with the best possible care to ensure their health and safety.

The solar panel system consisted of 249 Longi Solar, LR5-54HTH-435M Explorer solar panels strung up with 125 S1000 optimsers to the SE50K manager, SE30K inverters. The system is estimated to produce 92.62MWh of green energy annually, reducing the amount of carbon footprint being produced by just under 20 tonnes which is the equivalent to 858 trees being planted.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted


Solar Panel

Longi Solar LR5-54HTH-435 x 249


12 Years Product Warranty




1722 x 1134 x 30mm


20.8 kg


SolarEdge 50K Manager x 1

SolarEdge 30K x 1


S1000 x 125

80 kWp Solar Panel Installation for Llys Awelon in Ruthin

80 kWp Solar Panel Installation for Llys Awelon in Ruthin

A few weeks ago we completed the 80 kWp solar PV system in Ruthin at the newly built care home Llys Awelon. The 160 solar panel system is expected to produce 62 MWh of solar energy every calendar year and help the environment by reducing the amount of CO2 emissions by over 12 tonnes. The power generated by the system will enable the property to power the home in an eco-friendly way. This will give the residents a better and more enjoyable living style as well as help the planet for future generations.

We want to continue in the fight against climate change and help more flats and homes go solar to reduce the amount of carbon footprint being produced, and stop people using energy in a non-economical way.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted

What is Llys Awelon

Llys Awelon Is a retirement living development located in Ruthin, Denbighshire, Wales. It is designed for older adults who wish to live in a community that offers independent living options with various amenities and services tailored to their needs. Such retirement communities often provide features like on-site staff, communal spaces, and activities to support the well-being and social engagement of residents.



Solar Panel

Longi Solar, LR5-54HTH-435M Explorer (user-defined) x 249


12 Years Product Warranty




1722 x 1134 x 30mm


20.8 kg


Solaredge 50K Manager x 1

Solaredge 30K x 1


S1000 x 249

SolarSkirt Residential Install

SolarSkirt Residential Install

Earlier this year we installed our first SolarSkirt PV System. The SolarSkirt Bird Protection gives your system a more modern slick finish as well as stopping birds nesting under your system and damaging it.

This 8.10kWp system is estimated to produce 6.06 MWh of solar energy every calendar year to power the home. It is also offering this homeowner environmental benefits as it reduces the amount of carbon footprint being produced by 1.17 tonnes which is equivalent to 54 trees being planted.

The system consisted of 20x Longi LR5-54HPB-405M solar panels, 20 x S440 optimisers and 1 x SolarEdge 5000H inverter.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted

Solar Panel Protection & Pigeon Proofing

Pigeons love to nest under solar panels, causing mess and damaging cables. SolaSkirt keeps them out.

Gives Solar Panels A Sleek Black Finish

SolaSkirt gives any solar panel system a sleek, black edged, look, covering up unsightly gaps, rain water run-off, cables, rail and clamps.



Solar Panel

Longi Solar, LR5-54HPB-405M (user-defined) x 20


12 Years Product Warranty




1722 x 1134 x 30mm


21.5 kg


Solaredge 5000H x 1


S440 x 20

Staveley Mill Yard

Staveley Mill Yard

Staveley Mill Yard is a four-acre site comprised of over 20 retail and industrial units, in the centre of Staveley village, it is situated near to both Kendal and Windermere and close to central Lake District. The PV installation will be installed across various buildings and the overall power generated from the 1533 solar panels works out at 574.78 kWp. We will also be installing 9 inverters which will be fitted into a container and 774 P801 optimizers which are connected to the solar panels. There were different designs of SolarEdge inverters installed such as the 27.6K, 82.8K, 25K, 55K and 50K.

It is estimated that this installation will produce about 1,500,000 kilowatt hours a day, but this does depend on how good the weather is. Staveley Mill Yard isn’t just in it for themselves either as there planning to give back to the community and help the rest of the Staveley village by exporting energy back to the grid. They estimate that they only use 1,100,000 kwh of their solar production which leaves them with 400,000 kwh to hand to the village.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted

The owner of Staveley Mill Yard David Brockbank was asked a few questions about the installation.

How do you feel about the project?

“Excellent, everyone should be doing it. I would like Staveley to be carbon neutral by 2030”

Is there anything else that you would like to say about the PV project?

“The village benefits hugely from the solar energy exported to the village. It would be good if we calculated the village’s carbon footprint and then worked on reducing it. I would be happy to help and share our knowledge and experience”

We are delighted that this project won an award at the Energy Efficiency Awards for being the Regional Large Scale Project of the Year.

The 2021 Regional Large Scale Project of the Year Award rewards one exceptional project, in each of the 11 Regional areas around the UK, where energy efficiency measures of more than £250,000 have been installed.

This award recognises the efforts of all those involved locally in delivering a successful large scale energy saving project, while maintaining excellent customer service that demonstrates a high standard of quality workmanship throughout the project.

You can find out more about this award by heading to the Energy Efficiency Awards website.


Solar Panel

Longi Solar LR4-60HPH x 1533


12 Years Product Warranty


20.3 – 20.9%


1755 x 1038 x 35mm


19.5 kg


Solaredge 27.6k x 1

Solaredge 82.8k x 2

Solaredge 25k x 2

Solaredge 55k x 1

Solaredge 50k x 3


P801 x 774