This 4.88 kWp Solar PV installation took place in the Birkenhead area on a newly built home. They decided to go solar to save money on their electricity bills and help the environment by reducing the amount of C02 being produced. The system consisted of thirteen Eurener, MEPV 375-HC Black (120 HALF-CUT) solar panels as well as the same amount of S440 optimizers and one SolarEdge 3680H inverter to complete the system.

The system is expected to produce 3.98 MWh of energy every year to power the home and save 926.86 kg of carbon emissions which is equivalent to 43 trees being planted.

Installed DC Power (kWp)

Max Achieved AC Power (kW)

Annual Energy Production (MWh)

CO2 Emission Saved (Tonnes)

Equivalent Trees Planted

Go Solar Before Summer

In sunny areas of the country, summer is sometimes the most expensive time of year in terms of electricity bills due to air conditioning and fans to keep the house cool. Solar PV systems take a bit of time to adjust and work efficiently, having them set up and ready to go before the summer is crucial if you want to really cut costs. If you get your PV system installed before summer, you will really be able to see the benefits of the warm weather and the difference in your electricity bills.

A lot of people think that leaving it until the summer to ring up and enquire about a PV system is the best time but this can really come back to bite them. Solar panels often take time to install and set up. Not to mention that waiting until the summer is often more difficult because it’s peak season. The last thing you want is to be installing your solar panels in the middle of summer when it will take a lot longer due to increased demand.

Residential Solar PV System Birkenhead Photo 9